The UK government has announced that architects will be added to the official list of “shortage occupations” this autumn. The move will allow practices to hire non-EU architects without having to prove they searched the UK first.

The news was welcomed by the RIBA but the institute said the government should also lower the £30,000 salary threshold to help regional practices in particular to recruit young talent. The decision to adopt in full the recommendations made in May by the Migration Advisory Committee was announced by Sajid Javid on his last full day as home secretary before he was appointed chancellor.

In a written statement to parliament he said: “The MAC recommended a number of changes to the main UK-wide SOL, expanding the list to cover a range of high-skilled occupations, including a number of health and social care, engineering and digital technology occupations. The government is happy to accept all of the MAC’s recommendations on the composition of the SOL and the necessary amendments will be made in the Autumn Immigration Rules changes.”

Denise Maguire         
Editor  of  Irish Construction Industry Magazine
